Saturday, March 1, 2014


“Open” by Andre Agassi is an autobiography based on his life. The interesting story starts when Andre is only six and faces off his greatest enemy, a tennis ball shooting machine nicknamed ‘The Dragon’. He quickly becomes a great tennis player in Vegas and is then sent to the Bolletteri academy to become one of the best. As his life passes on, you get a feel of how many challenges he has to overcome to get to number one. “Open” is a very gripping book that keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time you read it.


  1. Why did you like this book so much? What got you interested in tennis? Why do you like the sport. Give us some more information.....

  2. Well, a few months before I read the book I started playing tennis because my dad was always passionate for tennis so when I started this book besides the very good writing It was easier for me to understand It because I know the rules and how to play the game.
